A Blueprint For Improving How Your Horse Moves.

FREE Laser Learning
with Karen Rohlf

4 VIDEO LESSONS that even the busiest person has time for.

SHORT lessons - BIG impact

VIDEO 1 - (2 min)

Create Movement Goals

VIDEO 2 - (2 min)

Healthy and Unhealthy Movement

VIDEO 3 - (3 min)

The Most Commonly Overlooked Factor

VIDEO 4 - (4 min)

The Most Important Conversations

You will also receive important information and updates from Karen. We respect your privacy, and you may unsubscribe at any time.

Even seasoned dressage riders will struggle if they miss these important steps.

Avoid common mistakes by learning these simple lessons.


Create movement goals without needing to know any dressage


Identify Healthy vs Unhealthy Biomechanics


Learn the most over-looked factors that affect the way your horse moves


The 3 most important conversations that will improve biomechanics

These short but powerful videos will show you what you need to be thinking of before you start trying to 'do dressage'. If you are already doing dressage but it's not going as smoothly as you would like, these videos will help you focus on some steps you may have overlooked!

Your Teacher:

Karen Rohlf

Karen Rohlf is an internationally recognized clinician, creator of the Dressage Naturally program, and author of the book: Dressage Naturally... Results In Harmony. She is well known for her transformative and empowering teaching methods and virtual programs.

Dressage Naturally combines the principles of partnership-based training with the art of dressage. Karen's students love her positive mindset and her passion for finding new ways to explain and simplify complex topics.

This laser training is a result of her desire to give viewers as much impact in as small amount of time as possible. Most students underestimate the amount they can improve right now.

You will also receive important information and updates from Karen. We respect your privacy, and you may unsubscribe at any time.